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  • Pan American Games MAG AA Live Blog

    This is the live blog for the All-Around Final at the 2023 Pan American Games. Please refresh every few minutes for the most recent updates which will appear at the top of the page. The Live Stream and Live Scoring are at the bottom of the page! Final Standings: Felix Dolci (CAN) - 82.531 Diogo Soares (BRA) - 81.865 Donnell Whittenburg (USA) - 81.764 Cameron Bock (USA) - 80.698 Audrys Nin Reyes (DOM) - 80.165 Joel Alvarez (CHI) - 78.930 Donnell Whittenburg (USA - HB) tak 1/2 to open into a lay tkatchev, quast, giant 1/2, a little bit of form issues with the tak full but it finishes well, just a small small hop on the double double. Diogo Soares (BRA - HB) Good through the tak full and 1/2, lay tkatchev, straddle tkatchev so no connections there, one arm giant, a small step on the full twisting double layout. That's a likely podium. Arthur Nory Mariano (BRA - HB) He is standout here, tak 1/2 into the Liukin, good on the tak full to yami, lay to straddle tkatchev, quast, stalder, near stick ont he double double. It was beautiful routine. 14.500 William Emard (CAN - HB) Yami to open and then he hops off. Actually several falls. I'm wondering if he might have a rip or some other problem because he keeps looking at his hand. 9.066 Felix Dolci (CAN - HB) Fall on the straddle Tkatchev. It's going to make this race for the aA title VERY tight. great landing on the dismount. 12.833 Rotation 6 After 5: Felix Dolci (CAN) - 69.698 Donnell Whittenburg (USA) - 68.698 Diogo Soares (BRA) - 68.265 Cameron Bock (USA) - 68.232 Audrys Nin Reyes (DOM) - 66.932 William Emard (CAN) - 66.598 Andres Moreno (COL - FX) runs out of the double double, beautiful connection for the second, back 2.5 to front lay, back lay to back 1.5 to front tuck full with a small hop, dismounts with a beautiful stuck triple full Donnell Whittenburg (USA - PB) A bit of a struggle on the Whippett, Healy, Peach, big straddle on the peach 1/2 lots of walking, nice Belle, STICKS the dismount. Diogo Soares (BRA - PB) Diam to open, giant, front uprise, good rhythm on the Makuts but a slight leg separation, 3/4 Diam, Stutz, really fought for the stick but ends up needing a hop on the dismount. 13.833 Up into second behind Dolci with Whittenburg to go! Arthur Nory Mariano (BRA - PB) Has a fall which is really going to hurt his ability to earn that Olympic spot. And now a second fall. That's almost certainly going to take him out. 10.833 William Emard (CAN - PB) kip to open, BIG BIG BIG push into the Whippet, 1/2, Diam, Giant, Oh wow. He has to fall off on the Harada. Looks like maybe he got a rip? He's looking at his hands a lot. Felix Dolci (CAN - PB) Healy, peach 1/2, Diam, Big front 1 1/4, Tippelt, Stutz, STUCK double front 1/2 out. 14.366 Cameron Bock (USA - PB) This is a really strong routine for him. He did have a fall in qualifying here, but so far it's beautiful. nearly stuck double piked dismount! 14.300 Josue Andres (PUR - FX) a little deep in the double front, front double full to front layout, was a bit out of sorts on the third pass (triple full?). Nice layout, Sticks the double full, Back 2.5 to end! 12.866 Rotation 5 After 4 1. Félix Dolci (CAN) - 55.332 2. Donnell Whittenburg (USA) - 55.098 3. William Emard (CAN) - 54.832 4. Diogo Soares (BRA) - 54.432 5. Cameron Bock (USA) - 53.932 6. Audrys Nin Reyes (DOM) 53.399 7. Dilan Jimenez (COL) - 53.399 8. Diorges Escobar (CUB) 53.165 Diorges Escobar (CUB - HB) Zou Li Min to open, tak full is just a little take, really nice tak 1/2 into Tkatchev, Straddle to pike Tkatchev, double double with a step back! 13.433 Diogo Soares (BRA - VT) Yurchenko double full. He is down on difficulty fron all of the rest in this rotation. Everyone else had a 5.2 in difficulty. His will get a 4.8. 14.033 Arthur Nory Mariano (BRA - VT) Shewfelt (Yurchenko entry with 2.5 twists) 14.333 Will Emard (CAN - VT) And again a Kas 1.5 14.366 Felix Dolci (CAN - VT) and it's another Kas 1.5 Blythe Lawrence said it's a festival of Kas 1.5's 14.400 Cameron Bock (USA - VT) Same vault as his teammate - as Kas 1.5 - small hop on the landing. 14.166 11:20 am Donnell Whittenburg (USA - VT) Does his simpler vault (Kas 1.5) but it's well done. good height and direction. Does have some tucked knees in the air but lands well! 14.266 Rotation 4 After 3: Felix Dolci (CAN) - 40.932 Donnell Whittenburg (USA) - 40.932 William Emard (CAN) - 40.466 Dilan Jimenez (COL) - 40.433 Diogo Soares (BRA) - 40.399 Audrys Nin Reyes (DOM) - 40.066 Cameron Bock (USA) - 39.666 Julian Jato (ARG) - 39.665 Isaac Nunez (MEX - VT) really flairs out of the Kas full! Just a little bit off line Arthur Nory Mariano (BRA - SR) This is not his strongest event. In fact he hasn't competed it internationally in a long time. But he started training it again not to long ago. small bobble on the handstand, goes well through the swinging elements to L sit, does bend his elbow a bit on the dismount but has a good landing on the 1.5 twisting dismount. 12.500 Joel Alvarez (CHI - VT) Kas full with a great landing. 13.733 William Emard (CAN - SR) This is a standout event for him. So much difficulty and a STUCK dismount. Santiago Mayol (ARG - VT) Kas 1.5. 13.566 Felix Dolci (CAN - SR) kip to maltese is a little high, iron cross, kip to planche, a little leg separation up to the handstand but better on the second one, smooth on the swinging elements into the straddle sit, just a small hop back on the dismount. 14.033 Audrys Nin Reyes (DOM - VT) WOWOWOW! BIG Dragulescu right down the middle. Just a small hop. He is one of the athletes in contention to earn his ticket to the Olympics via placement in the AA. 14.600 Cameron Bock (USA -SR) kip to maltese, kip to straddle planche to planche (good), both handstands are well-held, good jami to joh to straddle sit, his handstands are on today! OH NO! He stumbled back on the double double tuck dismount. It was SO good til then. 12.766 Rodrigo Gomez (MEX - VT) Kas Double 13.866 Donnell Whittenburg (USA - SR) backuprise maltese and push to planche, azarian iron cross is in a really good position, kip to handstand (small bend), joh to yami to maltese. This one was a bit higher. The second planche is good, STICKS the double double! WOW! 14.566 10:57 Diogo Soares (BRA - SR) Missed the opening but His swinging elements to handstand is beautiful, some slight bobbles on the last handstand, but sticks the full-in! 13.233 Rotation 3 After 2: Dilan Jimenez (COL) - 27.533 Diogo Soarez (BRA) - 27.166 Cameron Bock (USA) - 26.900 Felix Dolci (CAN) - 26.899 Will Emard (CAN) - 26.733 Andres Marinez Moreno (COL) - 26.666 Jose Lopez (PUR) - 26.466 Donnell Whittenburg (USA) - 26.366 Caleb Faulk (JAM - PB) Peach to L sit, slight leg separation on the Healy and the Diam, 1/2, straddle cut, Stutz, double tuck to end. Felix Dolci (CAN - PH) As with many of the all-arounders, this is absolutely the weakest event in Dolci's program. He fell in qualifications but not today. It's a VERY short routine, but a hit for him! 12.333 Jorge Lopez (PUR - PB) - 13.066 Cameron Bock (USA - PH) C scissor to open, nice spindle to open, goes well through the Soeckli and the D flop, Sivado into the dismount and it's a hit! 13.700 Donnell Whittenburg (USA - PH) What Donnell does well here is keeps his legs glued together but he does consistently have a piked shape throughout which hurts his score, He did have to push a bit into the dismount but I think he will get credit. 12.466 Dilan Jimenez (COL - PB)peach to 1 bar, healy, lovely giants to Tippelt, 1/2, beautiful Bhavsar, lovely full twisting double back off the end of the bars! I wish more gymnasts would use dismounts at the end of p bars! 13.700 10:36 am Diogo Soares (BRA - PH) C scissor to open, nicely into the Busnari, some slight leg separations throughout but he flies up well to the dismount! 10:34 am Arthur Nory Mariano (BRA - PH) It's a pretty clean routine but also one with fairly low difficulty. He did was he needed to there and dismounts with a triple russian. 11.933 Rotation 2 After 1: Felix Dolci (CAN) -14.566 Will Emard (CAN) - 14.400 Donnell Whittenburg (USA) - 13.900 Dilan Jimenez (COL) - 13.833 Arthur Nory Mariano (BRA) - 13.833 Cesar Lopez (ECU) - 13.500 Jose Lopez (PUR) - 13.400 Diogo Soarez (BRA) - 13.400 Cameron Bock - 13.200 10:25 am Felix Dolci (CAN - FX) front full to double front pike, just a small hop on the double double, front lay to Randi again just a small hop on the landing. good double front tuck, back 2.5 to front tuck 1/2, STUCK triple full to end! 10:23 Cameron Bock (USA - FX) big OOB with the opening double front, just looks not quite as steady as usual. on the second pass as well. Back 1.5 to front tuck full, triple full with a small step back. 13.200 10:19 Donnel Whittenburg (USA - FX) Front double full to double front, double double with a small hop, front full to double front pike with a deep landing, beautiful maltese on floor, small hop on the side double full, really fights for the stick on the back 2.5 to front layout, small small hop on the full in dismount. 13.900 Jose Lopez (PUR - VT) Handspring double front (Roche) Too much power and falls forward. 10:17 Diogo Soares (BRA - FX) small hop back on the double double WOAH really low on the back 2.5 to front layout. I don't know how he saved that. front full to front tuck full. Sticks the side double full, Triple twist with a step back. 13.400 10:16 Dilan Jimenez (COL - VT) Kas 1.5. It was pretty clean in the air but he landed OOB 13.833 10:14 am Arthur Nory Mariano (BRA - FX) A fairly clean routine. Just some extra steps on the landing. 13.833 10:11 am Will Emard (CAN - FX) opens with a front double full to front full, Randi with a big step to the side, sticks the front double pike, 1/2 in 1/2 out with a strong landing, holds the wide arm handstand well, back 2.5 to front layout gets connection bonus, STUCK triple full to end. Wow. great start for him! 14.400 Will Emard (CAN), Arthur Nory Mariano (BRA), Diogo Soares (BRA), Donnell Whittenburg (USA), Cameron Bock (USA), and Felix Dolci (CAN) are in the top group. Of them, only Arthur Nory is eligible to win the Olympic spot as Canada and USA have already secured team quota's and Diogo Soares earned an individual spot at the World Championships. 10:04 am The Athletes are Marching in! Rotation 1 What's At Stake The all-around final will serve as a qualifying event for the 2023 Paris Olympic Games. The highest ranked male gymnast at the end of today's competition will earn that nominative spot for himself. Live Stream: Live-Scoring: Article by: Kensley Behel

  • How to Follow Gymnastics at the 2023 Pan American Games

    The Basics When: October 20 - November 5, 2023 Where: Santiago, Chile MAG Gymnastics Schedule How To Watch: There are several options for watching the Pan American Games! The Pan American Games Channel The Olympic Channel FUBO.TV Live-Scoring: No live-scoring link has been provided, but we will update it here if one becomes available. What's At Stake? The Pan American Games will serve as a qualifying event for the Paris Olympic Games. The top all-arounder in the men's competition will punch his ticket to the Paris Olympic Games. Unlike other continents (i.e. Europe, Africa, Asia, etc.), whose competitions will take place in 2024, athletes vying for a spot in Paris will have to qualify mere weeks after the World Championships. Who isn't eligible? No athlete from The USA or Canada is eligible to earn a nominative spot as they qualified team quotas at the 2023 World Gymnastics Championships in Belgium. Brazil's Diogo Soares also earned a nominative spot at the World Championships, meaning he is also not eligible to earn another spot at the Pan American Games. Who is eligible? Any athlete who makes the all-around final will be eligible. Unlike at the World Championships where athletes earned their spot during qualifications, athletes at the 2023 Pan American Games will have to wait til finals to earn their spot. The top ranking all-around athlete after Monday's all-around final who isn't from the U.S. or Canada and isn't Diogo Soares will be headed to the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. Some of the top candidates include: Yuri Guimaraes (BRA) - 81.566 Pan American Championships AA Patrick Sampaio (BRA) - 79.931 World Championships QF Diorges Escobar (CUB) - 79.100 Central American & Caribbean Games AA Who's Competing? Teams Individuals * Vahe Petrosyan will also be competing as an individual for Team USA as he won the 2021 Junior Pan American Games. No other team has a team + an individual competing. What are the Pan American Games The Pan-American Games is a multi-sport event similar to the Olympic Games. The 2023 Pan-American Games will take place in Santiago, Chile where athletes from 41 nationals will compete across 56 sports. Athletes from 20 countries/territories will take place in men's artistic gymnastics. Unlike the Pan-American Championships which take place every two years, the Pan-American Games take place every four years in the year before the Olympic Games. Artistic Gymnastics has been a part of the Games since its inception in 1951. Only five teams have ever won the team title (Argentina, USA, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Brazil). The AA title has only been won by athletes from six countries (USA, Canada, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil). Full Pan Am Games results can be found here. Article by: Kensley Behel Love Men's Gymnastics Coverage? So do we! Covering the World Gymnastics Championships cost $1,679.80. A full breakdown can be found here. A big thank you to those who have donated! We are still looking for $464.41 to help cover our expenses! Would you consider donating to help us cover the cost of men's gymnastics coverage?

  • Event Finals Podcast - 2023 World Gymnastics Championships

    For the audio-only version, click here!

  • Event Finals Day 2 Live Blog - 2023 World Gymnastics Championships

    This is the live blog for Event Finals Day 2 (vault, parallel bars, and high bar) at the 2023 World Gymnastics Championships. Please refresh every few minutes for the most recent updates which will appear at the top of the page. The Live Stream and Live Scoring can be found at the bottom of the page! Olympic Qualifiers *To Be Confirmed by the FIG* But based on our understanding of the rules, these six athletes have punched a ticket to the Paris Olympic Games. These athletes will be allowed to compete in the all-around. Su Weide (CHN) a hit and a medal for him! Chiba Kenta (JPN) WAS SO close on his release, I cannot believe he didn't fall off. a bit late on the piroutting elements. 12.700 Felix Dolci (CAN) Off of the bar and again. recovers well on the dismount. 11.100 Hashimoto Daiki (JPN) tak 1/2 is a little late but manages well into the Liukin, Cassina is good, and the Kolman, Lay to straddle tkatchev, giant 1/2, tak 1/1 is good, stalder, quast, STUCK double double. Likely to be World Champion again with that routine. 15.233 Paul Juda (USA) beautiful Kovacs, Lay tkatchev, straddle to piked Tkatchev. good on the 1/2 turn, and the tak, wow good tak 1/2, STUCK lay full in. WOW that was a beautiful routine. 14.1 Tin Srbic (CRO) 1/1, tak 1/2, lay tkatchev, straddle to lay tkatchev? Not sure there's going to be enough differentiation in body shape between the "piked" and the "straight"sticks the full-in. Congrats on your ticket to Paris! 14.700. There was an inquire submitted. The previous score was 14.5 Milad Karimi (KAZ) Zou li min to open, Catches the Cassina. a bit late but the Kovacs is great followed by a wild Kolman, good on the Tak 1/2, straddle to piked Tkatchev, 1/2, tak, STUCK double double 14.433 Arthur Nory Mariano (BRA) Former world champion here. Tak 1/2 to open followed by a beautiful Liukin, tak 1/1 a little late, HUGE Winkler, Yamawaki, OH NO he's off on the layout Tkatchev. Gets back up and manages the connect Tkatchev. Just a small hop. The majority was gorgeous. Unless Tin also falls, that will not earn a ticket to Paris. Brazil will have an NOC spot that he will be eligible for. 13.533 High Bar Final Sugimoto Kaito (JPN) Whippet to open, Healy, Stutz from upper arms, peach 1/2 (walks), peach, Giant, front straddle, Bhavsar, Tippelt, STUCK double front 1/2 out. Lukas Dauser (GER) peach 1/2 to open, peach, PERFECT Makuts from upper arms 1/2, Diam from upper arms, Stutz, front uprise, Another great Makuts, Healy, 1/2, Diam, Stutz, OH WOW this is so good! STUCK dismount. This should be the world champion routine! Matteo Levantesi (ITA) He has such beautiful form but so many little things kept him from capitilizing on others' mistakes. 13.866 Asher Hong (USA) Has a bit of lower difficulty than some of the top top contenders so he will need to be perfect here. peach, bhavsar, tippelt makuts, Good on the Diam, Stutz is not quite in handstand, double front 1/2. Sticks it but chest is low. 14.466 Little pause for the second group to warm upI Yul Moldauer (USA) peach, peach 1/2, Diam, giant Diam, WOW this is so good. Giant Makuts, NOOOOO He literally fell over on the Makuts, It was so good til then, Harada, Fokin, double front 1/2 out with a step. 13.133 Shi Cong (CHN) Diam from upper arms, long pause on the Makuts, peach 1/2, peach, giant, front straddle with lots of height, 1/2, Bhavsar, Tippelt, Healy, GORGEOUS stuck double pike. He kicked out of that incredibly! 15.066 Illia Kovtun (UKR) Not quite as good as qualifying which is unfortunate as he's so good here. Lots of hand walking but he did stick the dismount. 14.633 Dr. Kaya Kazuma (JPN), Whippet, pretty slow on the Makuts to open, a bit piked in the healy, 1/2, peach 1/2 not quite at handstand, giant, front 1 1/4, Bhavsar, tippelt, STUCK double front 1/2 out though his chest was quite low. He absolutely roars with excitement. 14.733 4:00 pm Warm ups are starting now for the first four. This event takes the absolute longest to get prepped as each athlete likes their bars prepped differently. A stacked final with Kaya Kazuma , Illia Kovtun , Shi Cong , Yul Moldauer , Asher Hong , Matteo Levantesi , Lukas Dauser , and Sugimoto Kaito Parallel Bars Final Nazar Chepurnyi (UKR) -14.766 (Good enough for Bronze!) VT 1: STUCK Dragulescu. Right down the middle too! Well done! 14.833 VT 2: Kas double. Big Step to the Side. Igor Radivilov (UKR) -14.750 VT 1: Very good Dragulescu. Legs are a little wide and he definitely has some preflight deductions. But the landing was excellent. Just a small hop. 14.900 (5.6 D) VT 2: OH WOW. He really overrated the Kas Double Pike. Huge lunge back. The average should be good enough for bronze medal position as of now, though. 14.6 (5.6D) Artur Davtyan (ARM) - 14.549 He's out of the medals which is a shame because he is truly exceptional here. VT 1: Oh wow. That's incredible unexpected. He's usually perfect and sticks but he did not get the height or distance needed and was super short and dived back toward the vaults. 13.966 (5.6) VT 2: That was basically a perfect Handspring Randi. This is what we are used to. Stuck. Legs glued together. 15.133 (5.6) Harry Hepworth (GBR) - 14.433 He's already out of the medals but I'm excited to see what's to come from him. VT 1: Really really good Dragulescu! Just a small hop on the landing. Does go OOB. 14.533 (5.6D) VT 2: Handspring Randi (2.5 twists). Had lots of power and height but he met the mat before he was ready and it sort of jolted him. Chest was low and he stumbled to the right OOB 14.333 Now there's going to be a small break for the final four to warm up. Jake Jarman (GBR) - 15.050 (Into the lead for now - probably only Artur Davtyan can challenged, but he would need to stick both vaults) VT 1: WOWOWOWOW! Huge Yonekura Vault (Kas 2.5). Just unbelievable height and landing. No preflight deductions. Legs are great int he air and just a small adjustment on the landing. It's the most difficult vault being done in the competition. 15.400 (6.0D) VT 2: BIG step back on the handspring double front (Dragulescu) but that is sure to be a medal. Just have to wait on the color! 14.700(5.6D) Kevin Penev (BUL) -14.183 VT 1: Kas 1.5. The same vault as Juda's second vault. He's not quite as clean as Juda. Some knee bend and legs crossed in the air. But it doesn't really matter because that one vault ensures that he has now locked his spot to the Olympics! 14.166 (5.2D) VT 2: Yurchenko 2.5 named after Olympic Champion, Kyle Shewfelt. Has a small hop out of bounds. Penev has the lowest degree of difficulty of anyone in this final, so probably won't challenge for a medal. 14.2 (5.2 D) Paul Juda (USA) 14.550 Average VT 1: Yurchenko double pike. The preflight form and form in the air is superb. Chest is way down on the landing and takes a big step to the side. 14.600 (5.6 D) VT 2 Kas 1.5 (roudoff with 2.5 twists). Again really good in the air but a big hop forward. He's unlike to medal here with that set but so exciting to see him here in this final. If he's able to upgrade this vault with another 1/2 twist and cleans up the consistency on the Yurchenko double pike, he will be a real contender next year! 14.500 (5.2 D) Khoi Young (USA) - 14.849 (this is medal contention) VT 1: STICKS the handspring Randi (handspring with 2.5 twists)! That's really quite good. He will get a little bit of deduction for crossing his legs at the end of the twists, but the landing position was superb. 15.033 (5.6 D) That was better than qualifying! VT 2: Yurchenko 1/2 on with double twist off. He sticks it! Form overall wasn't quite as crips at the first but still good. 14.666 (5.4 D) Vault (2 pm Local; 8 am ET; 5 am PT) How To Follow Live Stream: Click here Live-Scoring: Click Here Article by: Kensley Behel Love men's gymnastics coverage? So do we! And we need your help! Covering the World Gymnastics Championships cost $1,679.80. A full breakdown can be found here. A big thank you to those who have donated! We are still looking for $954.41 to help cover our expenses! Would you consider donating even $10 to help us bring you live coverage from the World Championships? It would mean so much!

  • Men's All-Around Final Podcast at the 2023 World Gymnastics Championships

    Audio only can be found here on Spotify! Article by: Kensley Behel Love men's gymnastics coverage? So do we! And we need your help! Covering the World Gymnastics Championships cost $1,679.80. A full breakdown can be found here. A big thank you to those who have donated! We are still looking for $824.41 to help cover our expenses! Would you consider donating even $10 to help us bring you live coverage from the World Championships? It would mean so much!

  • Men's AA Final Live Blog - 2023 World Gymnastics Championships

    This is the live blog for the Men's All-Around Final at the 2023 World Gymnastics Championships. Please refresh every few minutes for the most recent updates which will appear at the top of the page. The Live Stream and Live Scoring can be found at the bottom of the page! Final Standings: Hashimoto Daiki (JPN) - 86.132 Illia Kovtun (UKR) - 84.998 Fred Richard (USA) - 84.332 Chiba Kenta (JPN) Milad Karimi (KAZ) Yumin Abbadini (ITA) Sun Wei (CHN) Noe Seifter (SUI) Chiba Kenta (JPN - HB) FALSS! That will certainly seal the podium Sun Wei (CHN - PH) good on the Li Ning and again! good through the Stoeckli sequence, OH NO and two falls. Asher Hong (USA - FX) Hashimoto Daiki (JPN - HB) Unbelievably good routine. He has been so resilient here. Caps off the competition with a stuck landing. Mathematically at this point, only Illia Kovtun, Fred Richard, Hashimoto Daiki, Milad Karimi, Sun Wei, and Chiba Kenta can medal. Jake Jarman (GBR - HB) and falls on the Cassina. Fred Richard (USA - HB) Cassina is good, Falls on the Kolman. Sticks the dismount. A hit routine from Illia Kovtun (UKR -PH) and now he waits! Milad Karimi (KAZ - HB) Beautiful Kovacs to Kolman! just a small hop on the dismount. Lukas Dauser (GER - FX) goes OOB on the opening double front pike, does a double front to forward roll, sticks the third pass... I got distracted by Diogo Suarez sticking his still rings dismount! Rotation 6 After 5: Hashimoto Daiki (JPN) - 71.632 Fred Richard (USA) - 71.032 Chiba Kenta (JPN) - 70.831 Illia Kovtun (UKR) - 70.698 Sun Wei (CHN) - 70.398 Jake Jarman (GBR) - 69.032 Hashimoto Daiki (JPN - PB) Whippet to open, Healy, a little off on the peach but saves it, giant, BIG front 1 1/4, a little low on the Bhavsar, Tippelts, Stutz, STUCK double front 1/2 out. Jake Jarman (GBR - PB) after a clean four rotations, he had a BIG arm bend on his opening skill. Just struggled throughout and had a big chest down on the dismount. 12.766 James Hall (GBR - PB) stuck dismount! Fred Richard (USA - PB) Stutz from upper arms, Harada, big front 1 1/4, 1/2, giant, Bhavsar, Tippelt, Healy (little push), Diam, Suttz, double front with a small hop. Honestly, just about the best he could do considering he had to wait forever to go. 14.600 Ahmet Onder (TUR - PH) Having a rough go of it after being stellar earlier today. Two falls already. And falls on the dismount. Unbelievable. Oh and his coach his making him do the dismount again. Illia Kovtun (UKR - FX) Was spectacular on some of the earlier passes and looks like he lost steam a bit towards the end. BIG step back on the dismount. 14.00 Asher Hong (USA - HB) Not quite sure what he collapsed on but Asher Hong just had a Sam Mikulak a la 2013 AA final collapse on high bar. Just not his day today. 11.833 Sun Wei (CHN - FX) Not quite rotated on the Randi. Goes OOB on the second pass, just a small bound back on the thrid, sticks the side double full, beautiful form on the connecting twists! BIG step back on the triple full dismount. Rotation 5 YouTube Did you know that we are on YouTube? We are bringing you interviews, training videos, and podcast recaps! We have a goal of making it to 1,000 subscribers by the end of World Championships. Would you take just a few seconds and subscribe? Click here to subscribe! After 4: 1. Sun Wei - 57.065 2. Hashimoto Daiki - 56.832 3. Illia Kovtun - 56.698 4. Fred Richard - 56.432 5.Jake Jarman - 56.266 6. Chiba Kenta - 56.165 7. Noe Seifert - 77.798 8. Ahmet Onder - 55.265 Jake Jarman (GBR - VT) Jake Jarman's mouth literally dropped open when he stuck his landing on the Yonekura (Kas 2.5). Unbelievalbe difficulty and execution! 15.433 Illia Kovtun (UKR - HB) put together a spectacular routine on high bar. 14.066 James Hall (GBR - VT) - Kas double Fred Richard (USA - VT) STUCK COLD Kas 1.5 Sun Wei (CHN - HB) 14.233 Asher Hong (USA - PB) sticks his double front 1/2 out dismount. Chiba Kenta (JPN -VT) Just nearly ate it on vault. 13.666 Hashimoto Daiki (JPN - VT) reminding everyone why he is the best in the world! STUCK Kas double! Rotation 4 After 3: Sun Wei (CHN) - 42.832 Illia Kovtun (UKR) - 42.632 Chiba Kenta (JPN) - 42.499 Diogo Soares (BRA) - 42.166 Fred Richard (USA) - 41.866 Hashimoto Daiki (JPN) - 41.832 James Hall (GBR - SR) azarian cross to open, holds the maltese very well, and the iron cross, yami to joh to L sit, good handstand, it's not the most difficult routine but he's performing very well, double double with a small step back. Fred Richard (USA - SR) kip to Planche. Has to fight for the position, L sit, maltese is a touch high, good amplitude on the swinging series, second planche is better, small armbend on the handstand, double double with a small step back. Chiba Kenta (JPN- SR) kip to maltese, azarian iron cross is very good. kip to Planche, a little shaky on the handstand, yami to joh to honma cross, kip to very high inverted cross, small hop on the double double. 13.733 Lukas Dauser (GER - VT) Kas full. A lower difficulty vault (4.8) but it's lovely in the air. He bounces out of the landing. 13.733 Hashimoto Daiki (JPN - SR) The weakest event in his program but his positions are good and he sticks the landing. 14.000 Asher Hong (USA - VT) Ran forward out of the Ri Se Gwang. Jake Jarman (GBR - SR) started off strong on SR. After 2: Chiba Kenta (JPN) - 28.766 Sun Wei (CHN) - 28.432 Diogo Suares (BRA)/ Fred Richard (USA) - 28.366 5. Florian Langenegger (SUI) - 28.099 6. Jake Jarman (GBR) - 27.933 Fred Richard (USA - PH) Fred had a little bit more power today than team final on his scissor to handstand and overcorrected. Had to step down off of the pommel. That's a MUCH better scenario than not getting credit and losing the element group though. Will need to wait for the judges score to see if he's going to get full credit for the Urzica. 13.733 Lukas Dauser (GER -SR) missed most of his routine but just had a small hop back on the layout full-in dismount. 12.933 Casimir Schmidt (NED - PB) 12.933 Chiba Kenta (JPN - PH) Does pretty well on the scissor to handstand and holy cow I do not know how he saved that traveling handstand. Good reach on the Tong Fei and goes cleanly through the roth. Really really good routine. 14.800 Asher Hong (USA-SR) 13.833 Illia Kovtun (UKR - VT) Kas 1.5 with a big step forward. 14.333 Sun Wei (CHN - VT) VERY deep on the kas double. I don't thinnkkk he put his hand down, but it could be close. Hashimoto Daiki (JPN - PH) Needs a strong routine to bring him back into play. So far so good! Opens with flairs and goes cleanly through the spindles. Interestingly, he puts the Li Ning in the middle of his routine when most choose to start with that skill, VERY good routine from him! 14.366 Mario Macchiati (ITA - VT) pretty Kas 1.5. Just a small hop on the landing. 14.466 Illia Liubimov (ISR - PB) opens with a Makuts, Healy, 3/4 Stutz, peach basket to L, stutz, step on the landing. Luka van den Keybus (BEL - VT) Great landing on the Shewfelt! The crowd goes wild! Jake Jarman (GBR - PH) Li Ning to open. Goes clean and it should be a score to keep him in the mix. Pommel horse is not his strong apparatus but he's got a few of his best coming up. 13.433 Rene Cournoyer (CAN - VT) Really deep landing on the handspring double front. Rotation 2 After 1: 1. Fred Richard - 14.633 2. Ahmet Onder - 14.533 3. Jake Jarman - 14.500 4. Milad Karimi - 14.366 5. Casimir Schmidt - 14.3 6. Sun Wei - 14.266 7. Florian Langenegger - 14.233 8. Diogo Soares/Lee Junho - 14.100 The reigning world champion is in 17th after a less-than-ideal performance on floor. Milad Karimi (KAZ - FX) His form is lovely but today's landings were not his best. Chiba Kenta (JPN - FX) just a small hop on the opening piked double front, stuck front double full front lay and a stick on the Randi, And a stick on the side double full, Chiba lands his fourth pass right OOB. Triple full with a small hop to finish. Asher Hong (USA - PH) Started well but fell. Hashimoto Daiki (JPN - FX) Kicks out of the double double but bounces back, Back 3.5 has SO much height. Chest is way down on the punch full to Randi. Gorgeous stuck double full side pass. OMG his triple full is SO short and lunges forward. Sun Wei (CHN - SR) so far his positions have been incredible! STUCK double double to end. 14.266 Diogo Soares (BRA) Nearly sticks the Yurchenko double full. It was very clean in the air. Won't have the most difficulty to challenge for a spot on the podium but his form is beautiful! 14.1 Florian Langenegger (SUI - VT) Lovely Shewfelt vault with a small hop. Jake Jarman (GBR - FX) Does not do the eponymous skill but goes OOB on the layout triple double. This has not been his cleanest routine. He's better on the landing on the Randi, back 3.5 with a small hop to finish. 14.500 Casimir Schmidt (NED - VT) Opens with a BIG Dragulescu. lots of power and has a big step back. 14.300 Rene Cournoyer (CAN - SR ) - 13.766 James Hall (GBR - FX) opens with a double double with a small hop. Chest is down on the 1/2 in 1/2 out. Small hop back on the third pass. Oh so weird on the back 2.5 to front lay. It's like his toe got caught and chucked him forward. Triple full with a step back to end. 13.600 7:42 - Noe Seifert (SUI - PH) opens with a Li Ning that is just a little shy of handstand. He's been circling well but is a bit piked on the flaired elements. Flies up into the D dismount. 13.566 7:39 Fred Richard (USA - FX) is getting us started on floor. small hop on the opening 2.5 twisting double back, front double full to front full! good., Makes it through the hops. a bound back out of the double double. kicks out nicely of the side double full and sticks it. Just a -0.1 hop on the back 2.5 to front lay, Sticks the 1/2 in 1/2 out! good opening routine. 14.366 7:36 We are getting started with warmups. Start lists are listed at the bottom of the page. 7:30 March-ins have started Fred Richard is the first one to march in! The British have by far gotten the biggest applause 7:28 The intro music is starting. 7:27 It is SO empty in here. It's really sad for the athlete's sake Rotation 1 (Starting at 7:30 pm local, 1:30 pm ET, and 10:30 pt) Preview Chiba Kenta led the all-around following the two days of competition with an 85.799. Olympic Champion, Hashimoto Daiki, will compete in the all-around instead of teammate Kaya Kazuma who outscored him in qualifying. Hashimoto has not been looking up to form since the University Games in China earlier this year. That being said, a bad day from him means he's still getting an 85+ – a score that most athletes only dream of achieving. All this to say, because Hashimoto is not in "full form" it would not be unsurprising to see another athlete atop the podium today, but should he perform even slightly better than he did in qualifying, the gold is his because his ceiling us just that much higher. The race for the other podium spots is going to be fierce. It's just going to come down to who hits. What's even more exciting is that we could see someone medal who is not rotating with the top group. Because top contenders including Illia Kovtun (UKR) and Sun Wei (CHN) several counted mistakes in qualifying, they are starting a little bit farther down than expected; both athletes will start on still rings. In addition to the two Japanese athletes, Kovtun, and Sun the two Americans (Fred Richard and Asher Hong) as well as the two British (James Hall and Jake Jarman) should be considered as contenders. They have much less wiggle room for mistakes than the likes of Hashimoto, so they will need to go clean. Here are some fun facts: The last time a British man was on the AA podium was Max Whitlock in 2014. Only one other British male has won an AA medal and that was Dan Keatings. British men have only ever won silver Only three American men have won World AA medals: Kurt Thomas (1979); Paul Hamm (2003) and Jon Horton (2010). If Hashimoto repeats as AA champion, it will be the first repeat of a world AA champion since Uchimura Kohei. If Milad Karimi (KAZ) medals, it will be the first time a gymnast from Kazakhstan has medaled; it will also be the first time an athlete from a non-major team is on the podium since Manrique Larduet (CUB) did so in 2014. Because Illia Kovtun (UKR) and Sun Wei (CHN) had so many struggles in qualifications, one of the medalists may come from an athlete not rotating with the top group. Of note, Artem Dolgopyat, Adem Asil, and Arthur Davtyan withdrew from the all-around final and were replaced by Nestor Abad, Thierno Diallo, and Luka Van den Keybus. How To Follow Live Stream: Click here Live-Scoring: Click Here Start Lists: Click Here What Happened in the Men's Team Final? Article by: Kensley Behel Love men's gymnastics coverage? So do we! And we need your help! Covering the World Gymnastics Championships cost $1,679.80. A full breakdown can be found here. A big thank you to those who have donated! We are still looking for $954.41 to help cover our expenses! Would you consider donating even $10 to help us bring you live coverage from the World Championships? It would mean so much!

  • Men's Team Final Podcast - 2023 World Gymnastics Championships

    For the audio-only version on Spotify, click here. Love men's gymnastics coverage? So do we! And we need your help! Covering the World Gymnastics Championships cost $1,679.80. A full breakdown can be found here. A big thank you to those who have donated! We are still looking for $954.41 to help cover our expenses! Would you consider donating even $10 to help us bring you live coverage from the World Championships? It would mean so much!

  • 2023 World Gymnastics Championships Men's Team Final Live Blog

    This is the live blog for the Men's Team Final at the 2023 World Gymnastics Championships. Please refresh every few minutes for the most recent updates which will appear at the top of the page. The Live Stream and Live Scoring can be found at the bottom of the page! Final Results: Japan - 255.594 China - 253-794 USA - 252.428 Great Britain - 249.461 Switzerland - 244.426 Germany - 244.026 Canada - 243.028 Italy - 241.160 China with a 253.794... the score to beat. Waiting on Fred Richard's score. Hashimoto still to go! Fred Richard (USA - HB) Cassina, Kolman, ok he's gone clean so far through the tkatchev released, good on the quast to one arm, OMG almost comes off the bar I do not know how he saved that. Sticks the dismount. You Hao (CHN - SR) pull to inverted cross. It was actually a pretty good position, planche, maltese, Lay swinging element, Stuck dismount. Harry Hepworth (GBR - FX) fell on floor. Chiba Kenta (JPN - HB) BIG Kolamn, lay tkatchev, inbar , went the wrong way on a tak 1/1 , recovers to make the Yamawaki, tak 1/2, quast, STUCK double double with legs glued together. Paul Juda (USA - HB) With the very sticky feet today! Very good high bar routine! 13.933 Sun Wei (CHN - SR) Overall pretty good but was high on the first cross. Better on the second. A couple steps back on the dismount. Kaya Kazuma (JPN - HB) Was catching the double flipping element almost under the bar, pretty good on the ending positions from the tak elements, STUCK double double. 14.00 An inquiry was submitted but nothing was changed! James Hall (GBR - FX) opens with a good double double with a hop back, half in half out, front double full to front full, Randi, Triple full with a step back to end. 13.966 Rene Cournoyer (CAN - FX) Not sure what happened but he definitely fell at some point! Khoi Young (USA - HB) A hit. Better than quals. Rotation 6 After 5: Japan - 213.662 USA - 211.129 China - 209.962 Great Britain - 208.162 Italy - 204.661 Switzerland - 204.527 Germany - 203.494 Canada - 202.862 Yul Moldauer (USA _ PB) peach, peach 1/2, Diam, giant Diam, giant Makuts, a little sketchy on the second makuts, Harada is good, does the Fokin, STUCK double front 1/2 out dismount. The U.S. needed that! If you don't do floor transitions like Nicola Bartolini (ITA) You're doing them wrong. Nick Klessing (GER - FX) redeems his earlier bobble on vault with a beautiful floor routine. Asher Hong (USA - PB) A little low on the Bhavsar, giant, Tippelt, a bit piked on the Makuts. He's lucky he got his hand on the bar, low chest on the double front 1/2 out with a hop. Beautiful routine so far from Lorenzo Casali (ITA - FX). 14.066 Sun Wei (CHN - PH) Scissor to handstand and again. Well done, Lovely D flop. His form is so pretty here. tiny leg separation on the WU. Quite a bit of skew on the Magyar Sivado but is able to fly into the handstand easily. Let's out a very big yell! Yumin Abbadini (ITA - FX) - 13.9 You Hao (CHN - PH) both handstands/ Li Ning elements were very short. Questionable if he will get credit. 13.4 Will Emard (CAN) is off on high bar. Kaya Kazuma (JPN - PB) Whippet to open, VERY slow on the Makuts, peach 1/2, good on the front 1 1/4, Bhavsar, .... 9:32 pm Max Whitlock (GBR - HB) Quite a clean routine and stuck the dismount. HIs job is done. Now, he can only wait! HEY! We have a goal of hitting 1,000 subscribers on YouTube by the end of the World Championships! During the Break, would you please go subscribe using the link below? Thank you!!!! After 4: Japan - 169.230 GBR - 169.129 China - 169.096 USA - 167.963 Canada - 164.697 Switzerland - 164.362 Italy - 162.662 Germany - 162.028 Noe Seifert (SUI - FX) front full to double front with a hop back, big lunge out of the double front pike, sticks thefront double full to barani,.... lovely triple full to finish! 13.600 Jake Jarman (GBR - PB) So far is hitting handstands every well. His line is not quite as good as it could be because the toe point could use some more work, but other than that he's done very well. A small step back on the dismount. 14.166 Su Weide (CHN - FX) Beautiful back 2.5 to double front. Back 3.5 with a small hop. STUCK double double. HOLY wow I do not know how he saved that next pass and put it to his feet. Ends strong! 14.1 Asher Hong (USA - VT) Ri Se Gwang is VERY well done. Big step back. 15.1 Lin Chaopan (CHN - FX) Is VERY hoppy through the first several passes. Sticks the side pass. Missed the ending to watch Asher's vault 13.8 Hashimoto Daiki (JPN - VT) BIG Kas double Matteo Levantesi (ITA - HB) Sticks the dismount! Max Whitlock (GBR - PB) 13.8 Paul Juda (USA - VT) Doesn't get as much height as usual but manages to get the Yurchenko double pike around. Deep landing and a big step back but he stayed on his feet! 14.4 Florian Langenegger (SUI - FX) Oooh goes right to the line on the opening pass, nearly sticks the double double, small hop on the Randi, spots the landing and sticks the side double full, mixed the ending. 13.766 Lucas Kochen (GER - HB) off on the straddle Tkatchev Kaya Kazuma (JPN - VT) Definitely not the strongest vaulter on this team, but he performed his kas double very well! 14.633 Sun Wei (CHN - FX) Said I stick dismounts. Watch me. 14.033 Khoi Young (USA - VT) Handspring Randi. Looked like he might stick it but took two hops. 14.666 Rotation 4 After 3: China Great Britain Switzerland Japan USA Germany Canada Italy Lin Chaopan (CHN - HB) A wild routine with some VERY late elements and a stuck dismount. 14.133 Matteo Levantesi (ITA - PB) has a fall, so now all teams are counting a fall. Looks like we have two inquiries currently. One for the Japanese and one for the Italians. Asher Hong (USA - SR) Azarian cross, pretty high on the inverted cross, the planche is good but the maltese is a touch high. Better on the second one. small hop on the dismount. 14.000 At this point, everyone has counted a fall except maybe Italy. Kenta Chiba (JPN - SR) Stuck Dismount 13.566 Su Weide (CHN - HB)a little late on the full pirrouet, better on the 1/2, Big Liukin but then falls on the straight Tkatchev. And wow a big arm bend too. This is going to be a low score. 11.166 Yul Moldauer (USA - SR) Really good body positions. Small hop on the landing. 13.866 Taha Serhani (SUI - HB) redeems his fall on parallel bars with a stunning high bar routine! The height on his releases is superb! 13.766 8:47 pm Courtney Tulloch (GBR - VT) Had troubles in the warm-up but not the competition. Hits the Dragulescu! Rene Cournoyer (CAN - VT) Handspring double front with a hop. Sun Wei (CHN - HB) From what I saw, it was fantastic. Harry Hepworth (GBR - VT) Beautiful Randi! 14.866 Paul Juda (USA - SR) up to planche and L sit. then directly to maltese, kip to handstand, joh to yami, straddle sit, These positions have been quite good so far. Little bobble on the handstand. Sticks the dismount! 13.6 Felix Dolci (CAN - VT) Fights oh so hard for the stick on the Kas 1.5 but ends up hopping. Christian Baumann (SUI - HB) Sticks his dismount! 13.866 Jake Jarman (GBR - VT) WOW Stunning Yonekura. Surely that will be the highest scoring vault of the day. 15.4 Rotation 3 After 2: China Switzerland Italy Japan USA GBR Germany Canada Hashimoto Daiki (JPN - PH) Overall was fairly clean. On big error was the piked shape into the handstand. Dismounts well and looks happy with his performance. Khoi Young (USA - PH) A fall. 13.6 Noe Seifert (SUI - PB) peach to open, Diam, Whippett, a little slow and piked on the Makuts, Moy, 1/2, Bhavsar was low, Tippelts, probably a -0.3 step on the double pike dismount. 14.033 Chiba Kenta (JPN - PH) Falls on PH. Courtney Tulloch (GBR - SR). Azarian to very low planche. Good on the Azarian maltese. kip to maltese. Chest was quite low on the dismount. Step back. Christian Baumann (SUI - PB) Such nice form overall. He joins Dauser among the gymnasts who are allowed to do makuts. Good Healy. His amplitude was better on the Bhavsar than in qualifying. Good turnover on the Tippelt. Stutz is good. just a small step on the double pike. William Emard (CAN - SR) Mostly good. A few wobbles on some positions but just a small hop on the dismount. Nick Klessing (GER - VT) Sat the handspring double front. 12.966 Lin Chaopan (CHN - PB) - 14.666 Fred Richard (USA - PH) a bit piked and slow into the Li Ning, good on the triple russian between the pommels, good ont he flaired spindle. I can barely focus because Colt Walker is so loud. Pretty good position on the Magyar Sivado! Big hit from the USA! 12.5 Down .9 on D from qualifying. Looks like the judges did not credit the scissor. Taha Serhani (SUI - PB) Sat the dismount. Lorenzo Casali (ITA - VT) Nice Kas Double from the Italian! 14.2 Pascal Brendel (GER - VT) Handspring double front. Lots of power and height but a hop on the landing and should get some form deductions for cowboying Kaya Kazuma (JPN - PH) A bit piked into the LI Ning, Soeckli, D flop, Magyar Sivado, flies into the handstand. And the biggest yell ever! 14.2 Nicola Bartolini (ITA - VT) Good Kas 1.5 in the air with a big bounce forward. 14.566 Harry Hepworth (GBR - SR) Did well on his holds but took a huge lunge forward on the dismount. 14.1 Lucas Kochen (GER - VT) Nice Kas 1.5 with a small hop. 8:09 Yul Moldauer (USA - PH) opens with a C scissor. A little short on the Li Ning handstand. D flop, Stoeckli, good on the traveling side flairs, Has some skew on the flaired Magyar Sivado. OH MY GOD. His dismount was so odd. He barely got to handstand and then had to pause and then did more rotations than normal. 13.533 Asher Hong's score just came in - 13.966 Puts the US into second behind China. Rotation 2 After 1: China USA Switzerland Japan GBR Germany Italy Canada Asher Hong's score is taking FOR-EV-ER to come in! ***Inquiry accepted for Minami. Score changed to 14.433 Asher Hong (USA - FX) front full to front double pike! Good. Just a small hop ont he double double straight, front tuck full to double front stuck (fights for it). Flairs to split to wide arm press. Definitely holds the handstand well enough. Sticks the back 2.5 to front lay but on foot is OOB. Has to fight a bit for the landing on the triple full dismount. Max Whitlock (GBR - PH) He needs a big hit here to help compensate for James' score! So far so good on the Li ning and the Busnari, Legs glued together on the Wu and the triple russian. Does the dismount! Should be a BIG score! 15.266 Kazuki Minami (JPN - FX) Unrealy back 2.5 twisting double tuck to front full. Triple double tucked. Huh. big step out of the third pass. The handstand may have been a bit short. sticks the dismount. 14.433 (changed from 14.333) Nick Klessing (GER - SR) Sticks the triple back dismount. 13.866 Fred Richard (USA - FX) Wow Big 2.5 twisting double tuck nearly stuck. STicks the front double full to front full combo. Flairs are a big hit with the crowd. Small hop on the double double. This is good so far. STicks the back double full. Small hop on the back 2.5 to front layout. Full in with a big step back. 14.366 Yumin Abbadini (ITA - SR) 13.266 Jake Jarman (GBR - PH) - 13.233 Su Weide (CHN - VT) Another Kas double with a big step. 14.70 Jayson Ramptersad (CAN - PH) 13.833 Taha Serhani (SUI - VT) Nearly sat his vault. 13.633 Hashimoto Daiki (JPN - FX) kicks out beautifully of the opening double double, small hop. BAck 3.5 with a small hop. Man his form is incredible. Front full to big bounce out of the Randi, Sticks the side double full. Stuck the final few passes! Lovely work from the all-around Olympic Champion. 14.3 Sun Wei (CHN - VT) Beautiful Kas double in the air but takes a big step to the side on the landing. 14.866 Zachary Clay (CAN - PH) well done on the opening Li Ning. His swing is really nice. He got the highest score of the Canadians during qualifications so they will look for a strong score here and he hits beautifully! 14.2 Yul Moldauer (USA -FX) Stuck Randi to Open, and the second pass. and OMG he stuck the double front 1/2 out too! Stuck back double full. Small hop on the back 2.5 to front layout. Small hop on the triple full dismount. 14.366 Lin Chaopan (CHN) with an easy Kas double full. Relatively low start value with a 4.8. 13.733 7:41 James Hall (GBR) opens pommel horse for the British with a fall. 11.933 Florian Langeneggar (SUI) 14.233 on vault 7:39 Chiba Kenta (JPN) gets the competition started on floor. small hop on the double front pike to open. Big stumble back on the double front full to layout but sticks the third pass and the side double full. SO WEIRD on the back 2.5 to barani. Not sure if that was the intended pass. 12.933 7:37 Now the other four teams have the opportunity to warm up. 7:35 pm The first group of athletes now have the opportunity to warm-up. That's the Japanese on floor, the British on pommel horse, the Germans on rings, and the Swiss on Vault. 7:33 pm The Germans come out first of the athletes starting on still rings. They do a countdown with their hands together! And finally, the Italians. They point up to the heavens! 7:32 pm The British come out next and they are starting on pommel horse. No pose from them. The Canadians follow and all come out with arms crossed. Will Emard is in his standard bright yellow crocks. Some other teammates are just in socks and some are in sandals. 7:31 pm The athletes on vault march in next. The Swiss come out first followed by China. China will start in the exact same order as qualifications. This will be the first time Lin Chaopan will compete in this arena. 7:30 pm The athletes are marching in. Starting with Japan on floor. It is so hot in this arena and they are in their full winter coats. The Americans are next in regular warm-ups. They changed their march-in from qualifications. They look calm! 7:29 pm The countdown has begun. The arena is quite empty actually. I would say half full would be a generous estimate. FX: Japan and USA PH: GBR and Canada SR: Germany and Italy VT: Switzerland and China Rotation 1 (Starting at 7:30 pm Local/ 1:30 ET pm/ 10:30 am PT) How to Follow Live Stream: Click here Live Scoring: Click Here What Happened in Qualifications? Day 2 Recaps + Who made Finals! Day 1: Germany Beat China! Article by: Kensley Behel Love men's gymnastics coverage? So do we! And we need your help! Covering the World Gymnastics Championships cost $1,679.80. A full breakdown can be found here. A big thank you to those who have donated! We are still looking for $1,061.75 to help cover our expenses! Would you consider donating even $10 to help us bring you live coverage from the World Championships? It would mean so much!

  • 2023 World Gymnastics Championships Podcast - MAG Qualifications Day 2

    Canada beat China and qualified for their first Olympic Games since 2008 Turkey qualified for their first Olympic Games Heartbreak for France as they failed to qualify a team for their home Olympics And everything you need to know about Olympic Qualifiers and World Finals!

  • 2023 World Qualifications Day 1 Podcast

    Headlines: Hashimoto Daiki (JPN) got 2-per-countried out of the all-around final but he's still competing! Find out why! Germany beat China 🤯 The U.S. Mathematically clinched their spot to the Paris Olympic Games Carlos Yulo got a zero on vault and that prevented him from qualifying to the Olympics via the all-around Day 2 Podcast coming soon! Article by: Kensley Behel

  • 2023 World Gymnastics Championships Qualifiers

    Qualifications for the 2023 World Gymnastics Championships have come to an end! If you missed what happened on Day 1 of Qualifications, check out our recap podcast! Olympic Qualifying The World Championships also served as the final qualifying event for federations to send full five-member teams to the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France. Joining China, Japan, and Great Britain (who qualified via the 2022 World Gymnastics Championships) are: USA, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Turkey, the Netherlands, and Ukraine. Teams ranked 13 - 15 in qualifications (Belgium, South Korea, and Brazil) will each get one spot for their respective country. These spots are not nominative, meaning the country can select one athlete to participate in the games. The All-Around Eight athletes qualified a nominative spot to the Olympic via the all-around including: Milad Karimi (Kazakhstan) Artem Dolgopyat (Israel) Artur Davtyan (Armenia) Krisztofer Meszaros (Hungary) Lee Junho (South Korea) Diogo Soares (Brazil) Luka Van Den Keybus (Belgium) Andrei Muntean (Romania) Event Qualifications According to the Olympic Qualification procedures, the highest ranking athlete in the event final excluding athletes competing from a qualified team (i.e. China, Japan, GBR, etc.) and excluding athletes who have qualified the via all-around (i.e. Artem Dolgopyant, Artur Davtyan, etc) will qualify a nominative spot to the Olympic Games. Carlos Yulo (PHI) and Kevin Penev (BUL) are the only athletes that fit those requirements for floor and vault respectively. As long as they compete in event finals and as long as no athlete pulls out of the event finals, they will secure the Olympic spot. However, there are some caveats. For example, if another athlete pulls out of vault finals, then Audyrs Nin Reyes (DOM) would get a chance to compete. Both Kevin and Audrys are from non-qualified countried. Then, it would be whoever is the highest finisher in event finals. Carlos' spot is a bit more secure as they would have to go very far down the reserve list to get to an athlete on floor who is from a non-qualified country. For parallel bars, all athletes in the final are from countries that qualified a team (Germany, Ukraine, Japan, USA, China, and Italy). So, then the Olympic spot goes to the highest qualifier from qualifications which would be Carlos Yulo. However, as we believe Carlos will qualify via floor, Noah Kuavita (Belgium) would then earn that spot. For pommel horse, several very, very talented athletes will not make it to the Olympics via the World Championships and will have to go the much more difficult route of qualifying via the World Cup cirtuit. Athetes in the running for the Pommel Horse spot are: Rhys McClenaghan (Ireland) Ahmad Abu Al Soud (Jordan) Lee Chih-Kai (Taiwan) Harutyun Merdinyan (Armenia) Similarly, several athletes are competing for a spot on still rings. Eleftherios Petrounias (Greece) Nikita Simonov (Azerbaijan) Vinzenz Höck (Austria) Artur Avetisyan (Armenia) Vahagn Davtyan (Armenia) On high bar, 2017 World Champion, Tin Srbic and Brazil's Arthur Mariano will fight for one spot between the two. The Team Final In the Team final the eight qualified teams will start on the following events: FX: Japan and USA PH: Great Britain and Canada SR: Germany and Italy VT: Switzerland and Chin The All-Around 24 Athletes have Qualified for the All-Around Final: Chiba Kenta (Japan) - 85.799* Kaya Kazuma (Japan) - 85.598* Hashimoto Daiki (Japan) - 85.432* Jake Jarman (Great Britain) - 84.031 James Hall (Great Britain) - 83.631 Fred Richard (USA) - 83.566 Milad Karimi (Kazakhstan) - 83.232 Asher Hong (USA) - 83.165 Artem Dolgopyat (Israel) - 82.999 Adem Asil (Turkey) - 82.630 Yumin Abbadini (Italy) - 82.532 Noe Seifert (Switzerland) - 82.464 Lukas Dauser (Germany) - 82.364 Sun Wei (China) - 82.098 Lorenzo Casali (Italy) - 82.065 Artur Davtyan (Armenia) - 82.032 Rene Cournoyer (Canada) - 81.998 Krisztofer Meszaros (Hungary) - 81.933 Illia Kovtun (Ukraine) - 81.031 Florian Langeneggar (Switzerland) - 81.864 Casimir Schmidt (Netherlands) - 81.831 Mario Macchiati (Italy) - 81.799 Lee Junho (Korea) - 81.665 Ilia Liubimov (Isreal) - 81.398 Ahmet Önder (Turkey) 81.164 *According to Japanese Media, Hashimoto Daiki will complete the all-around even though he was two-per-countried out of the all-around final. It is unclear if Chiba or Kaya will be the second athlete in the final. The Event Finals Because these athletes are the only non-qualified athletes or from non-qualified teams, they automatically earn a spot to the Olympics Floor 1. Artem Dolgopyat ISR 15.100 2. Fred Richard USA 14.600 3. Carlos Yulo PHI 14.600 4. Minami Kazuki JPN 14.566 5. Félix Dolci CAN 14.500 6. Hashimoto Daiki JPN 14.500 7. Milad Karimi KAZ 14.500 8. Harry Hepworth GBR 14.500 Pommel Horse 1. Max Whitlock GBR 15.266 2. Khoi Young USA 15.066 3. Rhys McClenaghan IRL 14.933 4. Ahmad Abu Al Soud JOR 14.900 5. Lee Chih-Kai TPE 14.800 6. Chiba Kenta JPN 14.700 7. Harutyun Merdinyan ARM 14.600 8. Nils Dunkel GER 14.600 Still Rings 1. Liu Yang CHN 15.200 2. Eleftherios Petrounias GRE 14.900 3. You Hao CHN 14.800 4. Nikita Simonov AZE 14.666 5. Vinzenz Höck AUT 14.600 6. Artur Avetisyan ARM 14.433 – Vahagn Davtyan ARM 14.433 8. Harry Hepworth GBR 14.366 Vault 1. Artur Davtyan ARM 15.033 2. Igor Radivilov UKR 14.766 3. Nazar Chepurnyi UKR 14.733 4. Harry Hepworth GBR 14.716 5. Paul Juda USA 14.666 6. Khoi Young USA 14.766 7. Asher Hong USA 14.516* 8. Jake Jarman GBR 14.333 9. Kevin Penev BUL 14.449 *Asher Hong was 2-per-countried out of the vault final and will be replaced with Kevin Penev. Parallel Bars 1. Lukas Dauser GER 15.300 2. Illia Kovtun UKR 15.233 3. Sugimoto Kaito JPN 15.166 4. Yul Moldauer USA 14.966 5. Shi Cong CHN 14.900 6. Asher Hong USA 14.833 7. Matteo Levantesi ITA 14.833 8. Kaya Kazuma JPN 14.800 High Bar 1. Hashimoto Daiki JPN 15.000 2. Milad Karimi KAZ 14.600 3. Chiba Kenta JPN 14.500 4. Tin Srbic CRO 14.433 5. Su Weide CHN 14.300 6. Paul Juda USA 14.166 7. Kaya Kazuma JPN 14.166* 8. Félix Dolci CAN 14.133 9. Arthur Nory Mariano BRA 14.133 *Kaya Kazuma was 2-per-countried out of the high bar final and will be replaced by 2019 World Champion, Arthur Nory Mariano YouTube Interviews and Podium Training Videos Want more updates? Head to our YouTube page for podium training and interviews! Article by: Kensley Behel Love men's gymnastics coverage? So do we! And we need your help! Covering the World Gymnastics Championships cost $1,679.80. A full breakdown can be found here. A big thank you to those who have donated! We are still looking for $1,299.41 to help cover our expenses! Would you consider donating even $10 to help us bring you live coverage from the World Championships? It would mean so much!

  • Day 2 Qualifications Live Blog - World Gymnastics Championships

    Please refresh every few minutes for the most recent updates which will appear at the top of the page. This is the live blog for the Day 2 of Qualifications at the 2023 World Gymnastics Championships. The Live Stream and Schedule can be found here. Missed All the Action? Kensley Behel recapped everything you need to know! Following day 1, the Team Standings are: Japan USA Great Britain German China Spain Turkey Netherlands Ukraine Brazil Belgium Israel The U.S.A. has mathematically locked in their spot for the Paris Olympic Games. The rest will wait today with bated breath. Missed what happened in day 1? Watch our recap on YouTube. France got a much needed hit from Kevin Carvalho, though it's not the score they needed. But Jim Zona fell, and again. This will almost certainly take them out of Olympic contention. Rotation 6 (Final rotation of the entire qualifying competition) China will almost certainly qualify to team final at this rate and then show everyone why medals are not won in qualifying. With one rotation to go, Italy is in 4th and France is in 12th. Benjamin Osberger (FRA - FX) opens with a Randi, BIG double double with a hop back, back 2.5 to front lay to front full. Good flairs to splitStuck double full side pass. front double full to front tuck full, triple full a little underrated and takes a step forward. Not the most difficult routine in the competition but it's beautifully executed. Lee Junho (KOR) opens with a Zou Li Min, tak 1/1 was a little late and again on the tak 1/2, Cassina, quast, double double with a hop. Leo Saladino (FRA - FX) Was hopping ALL over the place. No falls but should have a pretty low E score. - 13.300 Yup, a 7.700 for E score. Jim Zona (FRA - FX) I could barely pay attention to his routine because his bib was coming off the whole time. Good Lord. After Desanges went on floor, the announcer told the entire arena that Desanges likes to cook and that he might be the right man for the ladies. Luca Desanges (FRA) opens with a nice double front pike and sticks the double front tuck. HUGE double double with a small hop back. A bit short on the final pass and has to take a step forward. - 14.00 Rotation 5 After 4: Italy - 7th Korea - 13th France - 14th Hungary - 20th France with a mixed bag on high bar. Some hits some big falls. Lee Chih-Kai (TPE - PH) Starting very well. His flairs are much better than many others. And he's coming off a win at the Asian Games. 14.800 puts him in fifth and should definitely make the final. Rotation 4 After the 3rd rotation Hungary - 21th Italy - 18 Korea -13 France 9 Yuim Abbadini (ITA) went on still rings but his grip broke. he ended up needed to go again at the end of the rotation. An inquiry was submitted on his score and it was accepted. Ok, the internet went out again but we are back. Korea had a bit of a mess on vault. They really needed to hit big here. It wasn't a disaster but they had a bit of a hole to climb out of already. Kim Jaeho successfully performed two vaults. He will not make vault finals 3rd Rotation Following the 2nd rotation, Hungary is in 22nd, Italy in 16th, Korea in 19th and France in 12th. The individual athletes over on high bar are having quite a rough go. Everytime I look up there's a different athlete that has fallen. Botond Molnar (HUN) front full to double front. bounces way OOB on the front handspring Randi, small hop on the front double full, holds the handstand well, sticks the side double full, back 2.5 to front layout with a small hop. ends with a large step OOB on the triple full dismount. Nicola Bartolini (ITA) opens with a C scissor. He should have a lot less pressure on this routine as his teammates before him hit. Beautiful Busnari, Honestly one of the best dismounts we've seen! Yumin Abbadini (ITA) The flair master. Opens with a Mikulak and goes directly into flair side travels to flaired spindle. He does have some pike in his hips but uses the flairst to try and camouflage. Just the smallest of pauses into the dismount but should get credit! 13.500 Leo Saladino (FRA) with a Kas double. By far the most difficult vault of the rotation. 14.366 Lucas Desanges (FRA) Manages a clean Kas full in the air with a large step back. - 13.800 Jim Zona (FRA) WOW! He stuck that Yurchenko double cold! Lee Chih-Kai (TPE) I missed his full routine but he just ended his double double to hands and feet. He is one of the athletes that competed at Asian Games in China and hopped on a plane to Belgium to compete at the World Championships. Mario Macchiati (ITA) starts the rotation on pommel horse. Goes cleanly! Rotation 2 Following the first rotation of subdivision 6, Italy is in 12th, Korea is in 20th, France is in 19th, and Hungary Krisztofer Meszaros - 12.2 on high bar for Hungary France on SR: Kevin Carvalho - 12.766 Benjamin Osberger - 12.9 Jim Zona - 13.333 Leo Saladino - 13.300 Lee Junho (KOR) Needs a hit here because one of his teammates fell hear earlier. Truly gorgeous forms. Almost no skew on the Magyar Sivado. So Korea starts without counting three hit routines on pommel horse. 12.666 A bit lower than I was expecting! Was doing interview in the mixed zone, so I missed part of the first rotation. People on press row are saying that Subdivision 6 (Italy, South Korea, France, and Hungary) Canada has passed China! With only four teams left to go, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, and Spain have mathematically locked in their spot to the Olympics Luca Giubellini (SUI) nails the Dragulescu! He was really struggling in podium training and his coaches and teammates are elated! Taha Serhani finishes the rotation off strong with a Kas 1.5! Rene Cournoyer has been stellar here today and floor is no different. openes with a stuck double double. Dismount was a little squatty. A little short on the Shewfelt vault for Langenegger (SUI). Zachary Clay stuck so many passes until the end. a little bit short on the dismount but he keeps it to his feet. Yurchenko double full for Seifert (SUI). Not much distance and has to take a hop on the landing. Rotation 6 Canada is in fifth with one rotation to go. Unbelievable. Felix Dolci (CAN) right on top of the bar for his Tak releases. Catches Cassina and Kovacs. Nearly sticks the dismount WOW! CANADA IS IN THIS! So far a couple of clean routines from Canada. They are in this fight. Switzerland and Canada are really the only two teams in this rotation in contention for an Olympic Spot. Switzerland has an easier route through rings and vault. But if Canada stuns on high bar and floor, they could do it! Rotation 5 Christian Baumann (SUI) with the Pommel horse routine of his life. Switzerland needed that hit after Giubellini didn't get credit for the dismount. Ahmed Abdelrahman (EGY) with a powerful handspring double front. Big hop on the landing. Luca Giubellini (SUI) C scissor, bezugo, Stoeckli, D flop, Tong Fei right into flairs. Oh My God. I do not know how he saved those travels in flair. BIGGG push into the dismount. We will see if he gets credit. 5.0 D score which is well down from the 5.9 he showed earlier this year. Zachary Clay (CAN) is the lead guy on parallel bars. Very clean routine with a small hop back on the double pike. Florian Langenegger (SUI) leads off on pommel horse. He opens with some simple scissor cuts. Good on the Tong Fei. Overally he's been fairly clean. Small push into the dismout. Rotation 4 Andres Martinez Moreno (COL - HB) opens with a nice lay tkatchev to Rybalko, almost goes over the wrong way ont he tak full but saves it. Oh no, does go over the strong way ont he tak 1/2, goes cleanly through the quast and sticks the layout full-in. Noe Seifert (SUI) on floor got a 14.200. Taha Serhani will close out the swiss delegation on floor and his first pass is a fall. He has stuck the two subsequent passes. Sofus Heggemsnes (NOR) I missed his routine but he's dancing and giving everyone high fives and looks pretty happy about it! Will Emard (CAN) stutter stepped his vault and did a timer. He looks distraught. Awarded a 1.8 in D. Huge blow to Canada. Luciily Zachary Clay Came behind him and hit his vault so they will count two good scores. Luca Guibelinni takes his spot on the floor in his first world championships. Has a very artistic exit out of the Manna press, sticks is double full side pass. Good routine for him. Felix Dolci starts the Canadian delegation off strong on Vault with a Kas 1.5. Just a small hop. Rene Cournoyer follows that up with a huge handspring double front that he almost sticks! Florian Langeneggar gets us started on floor with a beautiful stuck mount, sticks the double double as well. Randi with a small hop, goes well through the non acro elements, a little underrotation on the front double full to front full. and just a small hop back on the triple full dismount. Rotation 3 Switzerland currently sits in 6th place! Noe Seifert had a stunning routine with a huge piked Kovacs and a triple back dismount! lots of cowbell rings from the crowd! Florian Langeneggar (SUI) stuck his dismount on high bar Canada nailed still rings and currently have the 3rd highest total of any team. Alright, the internet went down for a bit. but here are the updates. Rotation 2 Noe Seifert ended the rotation for Switzerland with a 14.333. Christian Baumann of Switzerland on parallel bars was good through the peach and the Whippet. And actually had pretty good momentum from the Makuts into the Healy. Bhavsar could have used a bit more amplitude. Small push into the handstand before the double pike dismount with a step back. They went 4/4. Zachary Clay took the highest score of the Canadians with a 13.666. Will Emard starts of Canada on Pommel horse. He opens with a Mikualk to C scissor. Very efficient, clean routine. A great start for Canada. 10: am Canada is starting on pommel horse and they really need a hit here. They are trying their best to maximize team score. To do so, they brought a pommel horse specialist, and their best all-arounder, Felix Dolci, is giving up an opportunity to qualify to the Olympics via the all-around. Subdivision 5 (Egypt, Canada, Colombia, Switzerland) Article by: Kensley Behel

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